Le Petit Chat is an online-only bakery serving Santa Monica. How it works.

Step 1: Choose your bread

First things first, you get to decide what bread you want. If you choose focaccia, you get to choose the toppings on your focaccia bread. You can choose from tasty options like Maldon salt, sesame seeds, Italian seasoning, or chili oil.

  • Maldon Salt or Italian Seasoning - $10

  • Sesame - $11

  • Chili Oil - $12

Step 2: Paying for your order

Once you've picked your bread, it's time to pay for your bread. You can do this using your card or Apple Pay. Before payment, you’ll have the choice to select delivery ($2 flat fee) or pickup for the bread.

Pickups are in front of 2201 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA.

Pickups are Saturdays: 11-12pm PT

Deliveries are Saturdays 12:30-2pm PT

Step 3: Receiving your order

After you've paid, all you need to do is wait for your delicious bread to arrive! If you've chosen delivery, I’ll confirm your address and will bring it right to your door. But if you've chosen to pick it up yourself, I’ll meet you outside 2201 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA.

And there you have it! Just three simple steps to order your favorite bread from our online bakery.